Training Minds to Lead and Hearts to Serve

~ John Piper

Beta Club at Paulding County Special Olympics
Gift of Love Winter Break Food Backpacks for Area Students
HCA Hawkfest Fall Community Event
HCA Praise Band Worship Nights at Local Churches
Maximum Impact Love, Inc. Packing Food for the Needy
Operation Christmas Food & Gifts for Area Families
Servers at PRC Medical Annual Fundraising Banquet
S.L.A.M. Annual Food Bags for the Homeless

At the core of the HCA educational experience is the vitally important aspect of teaching the whole student as a unique individual created by God in His image. The spiritual growth of each student is crucial to maturing with wisdom and balance in all areas of life.
Students learn practical Biblical principles through our weekly chapels and small groups, as well as service projects in which they are taught to be generous with their time and talents. Gratitude and generosity are life-long qualities that will enable them to truly make a difference in the world.
Our administration, faculty, and staff are dedicated to the privilege and responsibility of modeling the fruit of the Spirit throughout the day at HCA. There is a level of care that is unmistakable, and a sincere desire to seek out ways of developing these qualities in their students. This is one of the many 'family traits' that can be found on the HCA campus.